Subject: 1st Sunday of Advent -November 30

reFresh Advent Reflections 2014
I did not grow up celebrating Advent regularly... -Melissa
Part of my journey with the Lord took me to Europe as a missionary for 8 years.That is where I learned the significance of celebrating the Advent season. 

While in Germany,  I began making an annual Advent wreath, and I began spending time each Sunday pondering the first Advent of the the Savior for which we rejoice and the coming second Advent for which we wait. 

Now I look forward to the beginning of the Advent season each year with anticipation. Even as I found my Advent wreath pieces today, I found my heart beating with anticipation.

Anticipation of what people, places, things and thoughts will be vying for my attentions during this season. 

Anticipation for each time I light a candle and how this action helps to re-center me on the true meaning of this season. 

I am finding more joy in the season this way.

It does not matter so much if my expectations of quality time or gifts are met.

What matters is that this season draws me closer to my Savior. 
1st Sunday of Advent
On this first Sunday of Advent
~A prayer~

In this Advent of expectation draw us together in unity, that our praise and worship might echo in these walls and also through our lives.

In this Advent of expectation draw us together in mission, that the hope within
might be the song we sing, and the melody of our lives.

In this Advent of expectation draw us together in service, that the path we follow might lead us from a stable to a glimpse of eternity.
Intentional reflections:
Sit in quiet with your hands on your lap, palms up.

Take a few deep breaths in and out and ask God to reveal to you what it is that is keeping you from rejoicing in the first advent of our Lord? 

Listen and as each thing, place, person, thought comes to mind, gently turn it over to the Lord "it's Yours Lord." as you turn your palm face down to signify this letting go. 
Do this until you feel it stop naturally.

Share with the Lord whatever you are feeling in that moment. 

Then thank Him for loving you 
(in spite of and including any emotions or thoughts you have that don't feel so loving)


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