Subject: NNBA News ~ Entrepreneurship ~ Powerful Presentations ~ 10 Organizational Tips ~ Tech Tools Changing Healthcare Delivery

President's Corner
March 1, 2019
Dear Nurses,

Remember to set your clocks Sunday, March 10, at 2:00 am to spring forward! March promises much excitement as the NNBA has registration opening for our signature event. NNBA’s National Entrepreneurship & Career Alternatives educational conference is filled with over 20 sessions of how-to information, inspiration, and motivation while being joined by a diverse audience of like-minded nurses. You’ll discover emerging trends and career opportunities, while learning how to transition from where you are, to where you want to be. Stay tuned on our Facebook page and our website. Applications will open soon for our 5th annual Shark Tank Competition. Take a look at the video of 2018’s competition on our home page; maybe you will be in next year’s video!

It only takes one of us and one idea to change the world. That may be the world of a patient, a community, a nation or around the globe. Improving our communication skills is vital to our message being presented in the best light. Our first article of interest below, Creating Presentations with the Power to Change the World is perhaps the best article I have read on presentations. Research shows that organized people get more done, and have less stress. Many of us have home offices and would benefit by incorporating a couple of The 10 Tips for Organizing Your Home Office, especially #9. The Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services, (CMS) finalized its 2019 proposal to reimburse two newly defined physician services using technology-based communication. Technological innovations and economic pressures are seeing the emergence of new healthcare teams; are nurses going to be part of that team? Tech Tools are Driving changes in Healthcare Delivery is our last article of interest below.

Make sure you have saved the dates September 27 – 29th for this year’s Entrepreneurship & Career Alternatives Conference. It will be amazing, as record numbers of nurses are looking for opportunities to have more freedom, flexibility and additional income streams

Unconventionally yours,

Articles of Interest
Creating Powerful Presentations

10 Tips for Organizing Your Home Office

Tim Parker
Tech Tools Are Driving Changes in Healthcare Delivery

Health Leaders Media
Each and every one of us has the power to change the world. Ideas are the instrument to do so—but not if they stay buried deep down inside us. To spread our ideas, we have to know how to broadcast them in the right way, so audiences will accept and adopt them, and above all, share them with others.

In the course of our everyday lives, we often find ourselves talking about our plans—to get approval, to secure funding, to land a new client, or to close a sale. Whenever we’re trying to influence someone and obtain a favorable response to our ideas, we’re taking advantage of our ability to communicate to change the world around us.

A fundraising campaign for a startup idea, a presentation to announce the launch of a new product, an internal company meeting to get the CEO’s approval on a cross-functional project, a sales pitch to clients…these are just a few examples of where the power of communication starts to shine. 
A disorganized office makes you less productive and can contribute to stress. Even if you don't consider yourself a "neat freak," getting organized can really pay off. These 10 tips can help you organize your home office.

Does your home office look like a picture of beauty—maybe something that belongs on a beautiful Pinterest board or are you quite the opposite? Maybe your office looks like it was outside during a hurricane. If you’re an example of the latter, keep reading, we can help.

Why Bother?

Because science says you should. Research shows that organized people get more done and have less stress. According to the National Association of Professional Organizers, the biggest problem for most office workers are those important papers that seem to walk off. The study also found that the average person wastes 4.3 hours every week searching for papers. That’s a lot of wasted hours.
problem, let’s solve that.
Innovation is everywhere these days and HealthLeaders recently honed in on five tech tools that could make a difference in the way hospitals deliver care. For further insight, we turned to a digital expert to weigh in on why these devices and apps matter, as well as the trends driving these developments.

Brian Kalis, managing director of digital health and innovation for Accenture, a global management consulting and professional services firm in Minneapolis-St. Paul, reviewed background materials and websites for HeathLeaders' January/February cover story, "5 Tech Tools That Could Change the Way Your Hospital Delivers Care." Kalis is a recognized digital health expert with significant experience combining business strategy and digital innovation.

"We're increasingly seeing technology becoming a key part of the care team, whether that's at home, on the go, or in the inpatient setting," says Kalis.
About the NNBA
The National Nurses in Business Association, the vanguard of the nurse entrepreneurship movement, provides education, support, empowerment and opportunities for nurses in business since 1985. Thousands of nurses over the past 34 years have benefited from membership in the NNBA and launched successful businesses. The NNBA is the #1 Nurse Business Owner Network and serves as The Collective Voice of Nurse Entrepreneurship. Learn about joining the NNBA by clicking here.
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NNBA News - Volume 19; Number 3.0
Michelle DeLizio Podlesni - Editorial Director -
Lou Podlesni - Digital Editions Director -
Hilda Johnson - Advertising -
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