Subject: NNBA News ~ Write a Book and Grow Your Business ~ Social Media 101 ~ Education Business Opportunity ~ Exciting Conference Announcements!

President's Corner
September 1, 2019
Dear Nurses,

The NNBA Conference weekend is your “one stop shop” where you will discover how your diverse experience as a nurse translates into high-demand and emerging business opportunities. You'll find everything you need to start or expand your business with the action-rich content, resources and connections. Are you ready to take your career to the next level? Part-time or full time, your options are unlimited. Discover why so many nurses say “this is the best conference experience ever”. Here’s a quick view: is the best time to make your travel arrangements, Flamingo Hotel reservations, and to register for the conference. Rooms are going fast, but there are still some available at NNBA’s group block. Reserve your room here to save

Speaking of opportunitiesif you are a nurse that is interested in owning a “turn-keyrevenue generating education business then click here to fill in the contact information. The ad below our articles gives additional information on what’s included and provided.

All three of this issue’s articles deal with telling stories! It’s said that over 70% of people feel they have a book in them. Pat Iyer, MSN, RN, LNCC, author of over 46 books, and known as the “content queen” will be presenting Start Your Book: How to Master the Critical First Steps during the conference. See The 4 Ways Writing a Book Can Grow Your Nurse Entrepreneur Business. In our second article, Shelley Cohen, RN MSN CEN, tells her story From ED Staff Nurse to Successful Nurse Educator and Entrepreneur. Shelley outlines the steps she went through in starting and growing her business. And, Social Media 101 is a great reference piece on how we move our stories around today. We love good stories, and whenever nurses get together, there are always plenty of them. Maybe this conference is the one you’ll be telling about in the future when you talk about how YOU started your business!

So join us THIS MONTH at the conference! You’ll earn CEs, and meet amazing nurses from all over the country. Be sure to check out our sponsor’s offerings below, and full conference information can be found here: Less than 4 weeks until the conference!

Unconventionally yours,

© Michelle Podlesni 2019 All Rights Reserved. This newsletter may not be 
reproduced in any form, whole or in part without the author’s permission.
Articles of Interest
4 Ways Writing a Book Can Grow Your Nurse Entrepreneur Business

NNBA Featured Expert
From ED Staff Nurse to Successful Nurse Educator and Entrepreneur

NNBA Featured Expert

Social Media 101 – Social Media Quickstarter

Constant Contact
Writing books might seem like a Herculean task but it can provide impressive results for the growth of your business with minimal effort on your part. These are just five ways you can grow your business by writing a book.

1. Gain New Clients, Followers, and Subscribers

There is a certain amount of prestige that goes along with writing a book. Self-publishing or independent publishing, as it is now known, is more popular and easier than ever. Getting a contract with a traditional publisher is harder than ever. Either way, you will gain a great deal of respect with the clients and prospects for your nursing business simply for having a book available in the marketplace. 
In 1995, I met my first mentor Laura Gasparis Vonfrolio-a former President of NNBA- how lucky can a girl get? She challenged me, questioned me, disagreed with me at almost every turn- and thank goodness I listened and paid close attention. With her guidance and the expertise of several other NNBA leaders, this is one staff nurse who has achieved success-but by no means on my own.

If you have ever considered taking the path of owning your own nurse education business, let me share my #1 piece of advice, and that is listen to those who have achieved and sustained success. In your own journey, you may come across people who are telling you the exact opposite of what you are planning or developing. 
It’s time to go social. We’ll make it simple.

If you’re wondering if social media marketing is right for your business, the verdict is in — social media is a great way to drive repeat business and to attract new customers.

Whether you’re just getting started, consider yourself to be a pro or have been sitting on the sidelines — we’re here to help.

Social Media Training for Beginners

The Social Media Quickstarter offers the step-by-step instructions you need to start building your social media presence across all of the top social networks.
Save $100 on the NNBA Conference by becoming a member now. NNBA membership is $169 per year. So many benefits and high ROI.
About the NNBA
The National Nurses in Business Association, the vanguard of the nurse entrepreneurship movement, provides education, support, empowerment and opportunities for nurses in business since 1985. Thousands of nurses over the past 34 years have benefited from membership in the NNBA and launched successful businesses. The NNBA is the #1 Nurse Business Owner Network and serves collectively as The Voice of Nurse Entrepreneurship. Learn about joining the NNBA by clicking here.
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NNBA News - Volume 19; Number 9.0
Michelle DeLizio Podlesni - Editorial Director -
Lou Podlesni - Digital Editions Director -
Hilda Johnson - Advertising -
Bloom Service Group, LLC, P.O. Box 777951, Henderson, NV 89052, United States
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