Subject: Forget Taxes: What if Estonia Made More Money Selling Services?

$60 Billion plus is the U.S. dollar equivalent to how much Bitcoin is currently in circulation.
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Forget Taxes: What if Estonia Made More Money Selling Services?
By Joe Jarvis - September 25, 2017

$60 Billion plus is the U.S. dollar equivalent to how much Bitcoin is currently in circulation. That amount of money would keep the Estonian government running at current expenditures for almost 60 years.

$60 billion is more than double Estonia’s Gross Domestic Product.

So what if Estonia released a cryptocurrency that was that successful? It’s not a stretch to think the first government-sponsored crypocurrency would do as well or better than Bitcoin. It would still have to be structured properly on the blockchain with secure technology. But the legitimacy an actual country and government could give to a digital cryptocurrency is immense.

Just from the money Estonia made off a Bitcoin level token offering, they wouldn’t have to charge taxes anymore. The country could become a bastion of unprecedented wealth, as every investor and business in the world would want to move to a zero tax rate jurisdiction.

The idea has been floated to start a digital currency based on the Estonia e-residency program.

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