Subject: Mid-Month Monthly Check in from Barany School of Fiction and Happy Holidays!

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Mid-Month Monthly Check in from Barany School of Fiction and Happy Holidays!

Hi Friend,

Welcome to our Mid-Month Monthly Check in from Barany School of Fiction! And a Happy Holidays!

I’ve been informally doing mid-month monthly check ins via email for a few months, so I decided to declare that in this newsletter.

I hope you’re well and writing. Or editing or promoting or daydreaming your next books. Or resting and feeding the creative well. It’s all a part of the creative process.

I wanted to call your attention to a few things since you’re enrolled at
Barany School of Fiction.

#1. As added benefit of being a part of Barany School of Fiction, we have a
Facebook group to lend a sense of community where you can interact with other 
writers who have taken our classes and workshops – over 100 people are in the group. This community is where you can ask questions, post celebrations, meet friends, make new ones, and share your writing.

If you’d like to join and haven’t already, there’s a 3-step process because this 
is “secret” group. (Hoops to jump through per Facebook.)

The group is “secret” so that you can feel safe sharing story ideas and your
writer’s life without anyone outside the group seeing your posts or even seeing that you’re in the group.

First, email me to say you want to join the group, Fellowship of the Pen. Just hit reply :) 
That way I know to respond to the next steps more quickly.

Second, friend me on Facebook here: I'll say "yes."

Third, I will invite you into the group, Fellowship of the Pen And then you're in! I'll also post a welcome. I do that about once a week.

(You won’t be able to see the group until you’re a member.)

#2. Did you know you can learn from my classes on the go?

Yes, Teachable, the platform I use to deliver my courses, has an iOS app. 

Click here to download it:

Sorry, they don’t have an Android app at this time. 

More about downloading the app here:

The app isn’t a replacement for the desktop version, but a good supplementary 
tool for you to use while you are on the go.

Teachable says, “If you come across any bugs while using the Teachable iOS app, 
please report them through the app. These reports go directly to our engineering team, and any feedback (the more detailed the better) helps us tremendously!”

I want to add that Teachable has been a highly responsive and good company to work with these past few years. I'm happy with them.

#3. We may do some live Q&A next year with students and alum of Barany School of Fiction and our live classes and workshops.

I’d love to know if that’s something you’d like. If you’re already in the Fellowship of the Pen, vote for what you’d like to see us do in the community in 2018 here.

Or use this link:

If you’re not yet in the Fellowship of the Pen, just hit reply and let me know your thoughts on the matter -- if you'd like to have us do some live Q&A. And see #1.

That’s my mid-month check in! What is yours? Feel free to email me and let me know how you’re writing is going and post in the Fellowship of the Pen Facebook group. I'd love to hear from you.

Lastly, I’d like to wish you a Happy Holidays, Happy New Year!, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Solstice, and Happy Hanukkah! (Did I miss anything?!)

My Holiday Gifts to You

I offered this a few years back; its evergreen content is still as useful as ever, and I've updated it with some new content too.

Happy Writing!


PS. Remember! You have lifetime access to your courses at Barany School of Fiction and all their updates. To access your courses, log in to the school and click on "My Courses."
Barany School of Fiction
*Empowering novelists to get writing, get marketing, and get publishing!*

Perhaps you know a friend who would like to write a novel. Encourage them to write! And if you're so moved, forward them this newsletter or invite them to visit the courses at Barany School of Fiction or the free tips at our companion blog, Writer's Fun Zone. Thanks! 

Now more than ever, the world needs all of our stories.

You may share this content intact and with no changes, with this attribution:

c. 2017 Beth Barany, Creativity Coach for Writers,

Ezra and I are your guides during this course...

Beth and Ezra Barany are award-winning, best-selling novelists, who have worked with over 100 authors to help them get their books written and published.

♥ Happily married for over 17 years, we’re passionate about writing, storytelling, and guiding authors to achieve their dreams.

We offer coaching, consulting, and trainings to story tellers and novelists. Contact us for a complimentary session today.
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